When you want to create a website for your company, you are looking for a professional who will prepare it in the best way possible. Not necessarily because you can’t do it yourself. You simply know that he or she will do it better and faster. During this time you can focus on more urgent needs. Likewise with translations.
You can try to translate a document yourself, or localize a website using a ton of dictionaries and Google Translate services, or find a person who will do it for you, leaving you more time to develop other branches of the company, or to simply relax. I am just such a person. I solve problems of people and companies with stacks of documents to translate, such as user manuals, certificates, marketing materials, website content or user interfaces. Thanks to my work they can reach previously inaccessible customers. Don’t hesitate, it is better to focus on what you can do best and give the rest of things into the hands of professionals like me!